International bank transfers are cost prohibitive, while PayPal together with the credit card networks don’t allow tobacco vendors to use their payment channels.
Shipping times range from 14 to 21 days, depending on the destination country. To most countries, delivery shouldn’t take longer than 2 weeks from the day of the dispatch. We’re still trying to wrap our heads around how the postal system works as we had packages delivered to the USA in 3 days straight, and sometimes it would take 35 days to deliver to France. We guess it’s fair to say that the delivery time is a bit random, and to our great regret, there’s nothing we can do about it.
How can I send money from my debit or credit card to Western Union
- Log in to your profile. If you don’t have a profile, please register for free.
- Choose country, amount and delivery method (cash).
- Enter your receiver’s name.
- Pay with your card.
- You’ll get a confirmation by email. Save the tracking number (MTCN) to share with your receiver for pickup.
We ship everywhere in the world! We provide free shipping and “Express mail” costs $6 per carton.